
Risk Assessment of the Mining Industry In South Sudan: Towards a Framework For Transparency and Accountability

Risk Assessment of the Mining Industry – Peter Adwok Nyaba July 2019

This study, “Risk Assessment of the Mining Industry in South Sudan: Towards a Framework for Transparency and Accountability”, was commissioned by Ebony Center for Strategic Studies. It commenced in the second week of May 2019 and was completed by the first week of June. Mr. Azaria Gillo, a geologist working in the Ministry of Mining was my research assistant and his contribution led to the success of the research work. I thank him very much.

South Sudan Country Policy Environment: A Call for Institutional Readiness Assessment

To be funded by United States Institute of Peace (USIP) — On July 9, 2011, the Republic of South Sudan celebrated its independence. The country began its life with significant natural resources and a binding narrative of triumph and freedom, but with a legacy of over 50 years of conflict and an extremely low level of physical, human and institutional development (2012:1). The above passage from the World Bank is an important point of departure for this concept note on the urgency for an institutional assessment as one of the key pre-requisites for recovery and resilience programs, which the development partners are formulating.

 Feb. 18. Institutional Readiness Needs Assessment

TGoNU not fighting UN-SPLM General Secretary

The remark from the acting SPLM secretary general, already there are people who are accusing the transitional government of national uniting for refusing and fighting the UN and I want to confirm on this great day that this is not an accurate appraisal of our position. The TGoNU has not met to deliberate on the final position taken by the UN Security Council, if there are voices out they are expressing their view on the subject, and these are individuals who do not represent the government and are mandated to speak on behalf of the government. I pledge to you, my people that I will work closely with General Taban Deng Gai and his colleagues in the SPLMA/-IO to implement the ARCSS in letter and spirit in order to rescue our country and people from the unbearable situation in which they are now in.

Dr. James Okuk WOJ Presents Strategic Paper Policy

Dr. James Okuk WOJ – This is my pleasure to present this simple of the strategic policy paper I want to appreciate Dr. Lual who motivated our team to come up with something and a policy, rather than that we collected ourselves from different places, some of us are in Juba and two ladies out from juba. We discussed ways of who to come out with this polices and we were from different background from equatorial, greater Bahr el Ghazal and upper Nile men and female. We finally come out with this paper which we called power of ideas. So let go to the second part of the presentation.